Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Self in Totality

It is a weird feeling. I am feeling it, I keep feeling it. No words, I find can explain this feeling. How do I convey this feeling, that I am having? I do want to convey the feeling, but perhaps not at the expense of you feeling the feeling.

I wonder, why is it so easy for some to talk at length. I seem to have lost the art of--or rather, perhaps I never had it, to begin with--talking. I make symbols through sound, that I feel convey my understanding of the world. However, I am skeptical that my understanding ever gets transferred. Instead, I might be deceiving myself--as my noise symbols through sound, made when I talk, or any other symbol of communication, like letters in this blog post, are to influence your actions to my need or facilitate myself.

I cannot understand somebody else's mind in totality.

I cannot convey myself or my mind, the real me, in totality.

However, even then I have a feeling that my understanding is transferred, perhaps because the bodily actions I would do, as a result of the understanding or during the initial transferring of the understanding, or at least my expectations of the resulting actions from the understanding, (all are my word-action relationship understand) correspond to your actions,

Therefore,I feel I have transferred the understanding.

Perhaps, I or anyone does not need to understand a person in totality. Perhaps, just knowing a few things may be enough to convey an understanding. If that is true, then I can know about you by just looking at your clothes. Perhaps there is a little grain of truth, but may be if I know a few things about or hear you talk about a specific topic, I would know your understanding. However, it does not sound right in the sense, that I am making one assumption, Your understanding of the individual words and the collective usage of the words will develop the same understanding in me. Which cannot be proved or disproved. What can be proved or disproved is that I will be able to make a set of actions potentially ascribable to you, based on what you said. These set of actions will come from the set of actions I will ascribe to the understanding I developed as a result of your talk.

But, the set of actions I ascribe to the understanding, may be different to the set of actions you would ascribe. Plus, we both may have the exactly same set of actions, yet different understandings. However, for us, as long as the physical manifestation in the form of actions of your understanding match our understanding of a topic, time, religion, object, abstract, simple, complex, or any other conveyable symbol, we utilize to carry out in our lives--the understanding has been conveyed. That is it. As long as we continue to get the actions we like or accept, matched with the same words we would to describe them, the understanding has been conveyed. As soon as an action is carried out, which you thought entailed the understand, but we never thought before, change occurs.

The mental state, the picture behind the eyes or words, something that does not affect me, is rendered not only unimportant. But, in fact, this real understanding, per se, the understanding of self in totality, that every human has of the self, is rendered so unimportant (or perhaps taken for granted) that it is never even attempted to be communicated. Perhaps, it is being communicated. However, we do not concern about this mental state, the self in totality, until out-lier actions occur or our understanding of the words-action relationship is disturbed.

If you continue to play along, say the things I am comfortable with, and continue to do things that at least do not effect me, in any negative manner to me, continuing according to my word-action relationship understanding, I will not even consider your mental state--assuming that the word-action relationship understanding is mutual for both of us. I will not attempt to look into your self in totality because your communication with me is benefiting me since it matches my word-action relationship expectation.

Nevertheless, it is a sorry state. I should actively be letting you define the words, actions, separately, however you like, without any regard for words-action relationship. Even though by doing so, I might not understand you at all, but this would be a step towards understanding your self in totality.

In such a case, where I am not binding you with a word-action relationship understanding, as I said, I might not understand you, but on the flip side, if I do understand you, it would be you in totality. Your view of the world.

I am not even sure if any of this makes sense. Nevertheless, it is, what it is. I rest my mental mind.


    If Event A=factorA plus factor B plus factor C and factor D=factor A plus factor C then

    I am an event, a particular set of factors.

    Every event is always preceeded by previous events.

        1. The best judge of understanding me is me

        2. I judge that no one else can ever understand me because understanding me means devoid

        3. However, I see people not realize that they are mere collection of factors that were necessisated from previous factors. They just assume their I or self. (3)

        4. Can you imagine what I felt the first time I ate aligator tails? If your answer is yes, then I am sorry what your imagining is not what I felt, but what you felt when you had the first aligator tail. If you have never had a alligator tail before then I am sorry you are out of luck and missing on this delicious treat. If I asked you to provide me with a description of alligator tails, How would you respond? If you were dumb enough, you would probably just say you cannot because you have never had it. Or if you are more adventurous, you would use imagination to come up with a feeling based on the description of food, I provide you. In this process, you will look back into your experiences to try to connect some of these experiences to my descriptions and produce a feeling similar to alligator delicacy. However, are you sure this feeling produced as a result of your imagination, is same as the feeling produced in me when I first tasted the tails? I am sure the answer is no. However, if somebody says yes then we can deal with skeptics too. Since the feelings produced in you from imagination and real objects is different. My taste of alligator tails is based on a real object while yours on imagination. Your best bet is to match your experiences with my description (2). However, even if one of the experiences I had are absent in your feeling then your feeling is different from mine. Since my feeling is based on first-hand experience and yours based on second-hand experience, we do not share the same first-hand experience and thus, have different feelings. Moreover, since my alligator tail taste is an essential part of who I am and since you can never feel my alligator taste experience, you cannot feel what its like to be me. Moreover, your experience of being me just involves experience of being you, an unescapable experience for you, while my experience of being me is devoid of your experiences of being you because I do not know your experiences. Therefore, you cannot in anyway feel or imagine or understand me.

        5. You might content that if we do not understand each other then how do we communicate?

        6. how do we communicate? reanalyze my essay.

        7. I is determined through reaction from other people. God is me.

        8. I choose my own causes of my personality

Discussion 1: quanory

what is anything? What is this or that? What is life what is death? And the questions remain endless. Yet the human soul's longing to find or submerge in the vastness or essence that has brought about this and that remains to be calmed. We are always on the way to somewhere, coming from somewhere. We just cannot or rather do not want to look beyond the illusion to find that there was no past, there will be no future, instead just an idea that has been imagined to be on journey by the vastness or essence itself. This idea is imagined by none other than the basic being where everything comes from but it has been left to the idea to break through the shackles of this illusion and submerge in the vastness which is before anything, before the question what is anything, before anything and everything.

The vastness cannot be comprehended by any tools given to us by the illusion. The vastness yet remains an integral part of the idea or illusion or the existence of anything. So how does the longing to submerge with the vastness end? It can only happen with the union of the idea with the vastness. So how can this union take place?

Perhaps the answer is to let the idea that is a human, decide how to submerge with the vastness.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Why write?

Why should I write, I sometimes wonder. Even though I do not know the reason, I have the urge to write. Not sure if its cathartic, or serves a larger purpose, or even if my philosophy will ever reach anyone. However, I do know, once my message is reached to even a single person, the differences, the usual grievances, sadness will all be replaced with a different experience, which would neither be good or bad, happiness or sadness.